Rest Consumer
You are here: Home:Verticles:Rest Consumer
See also:
- Authentication Verticles
- Subscription to platform events Verticles
- Send result to console Verticle
- Send result to websocket Verticle
- Main/Setup Verticle
- Deduplication Verticles
- Redis Dedup Service
The Rest consumer takes incoming messages and forwards them to a http(s) endpoint. It uses an Auth verticle to obtain the Authorization
header before posting the payload.
Optionally, before posting, a Mustache template gets applied that transforms the incoming JSON in whatever is required. This allows to POST to HTML forms, SOAP services etc.
The Rest Consumer will use a proxy setting if provided and retry failed connections 10 times in 10 seconds intervals. A connection is considered failed if the response code is not between 200 and 299.
It does not take values back -> that requires a custom verticle
"verticleName": "net.wissel.salesforce.vertx.consumer.RestConsumer",
"instanceName": "SampleRest",
"eventBusAddress": "SFDC:SampleEvents",
"deployAsWorker": true,
"autoStart": true,
"template": "/sample.mustache",
"interval": "10000",
"maxRetryCount" :"10",
"Content-Type" : "text/plain"
"url": ""
Note: When a template name is provided it needs to follow vert.x’s file system rules to be found.
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