Write your own Consumer
You are here: Home:Write your own:Consumer
See also:
- Write your own Listener
- Write your own Deduplication
- Write your own Auth
Why you want to do that
Most likely you want to do this - prepare the data so a target system can digest it. This is your life stream ETL
How to implement
The only thing a consumer must do: consume JSON data from the eventbus. So any verticle that does this.getVertx.EventBus().consumer(....)
can be used as “consumer”.
To be more specific: a consumer would listen to startup and shutdown events on the eventbus (see the details about the EventBus) and use one (if needed) of the Auth verticles for credentials (see Authentication and Authorization) and take advantage of the ConsumerConfig class.
Fastest results:
- Extent the AbstractSFDCConsumer class
- If your verticle needs to extend the router (e.g. the Websocket consumer) implement the SFDCRouterExtension interface.
Sample code
import io.vertx.core.eventbus.Message;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject;
import io.vertx.ext.web.Router;
public class ConsoleConsumer extends AbstractSDFCConsumer implements SFDCConsumer {
// Just write out to the console
protected void processIncoming(final Message<JsonObject> incomingData) {
final JsonObject body = incomingData.body();