Write your own Deduplication

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Why you want to do that

The base package provides an in-memory deduplication (limited) and the redis package one based on Redis. You might have other ideas on what is a duplicate or what key-value store to use (I like AeroSpike).

How to implement

A verticle listening to incoming data on the eventbus. The header of the incoming data contains one or more BUS_FINAL_DESTINATION header values (value: SFDCFinalDestination).

It then processes all messages and drop the duplicates (that’s implementation specific) and send the surviving ones to all destinations provided in the header.

Fastest results: Extend the AbstractSFDCDedupVerticle class

Sample code

package net.wissel.salesforce.vertx.consumer;

import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Queue;
import io.vertx.core.Future;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject;

public class MemoryDedup extends AbstractSFDCDedupVerticle {
    private final Queue<String> memoryQueue = new LinkedList<String>();
    private static final int MAX_MEMBERS = 100;

     * @see net.wissel.salesforce.vertx.consumer.AbstractSFDCDedupVerticle#checkForDuplicate(io.vertx.core.Future, io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject)
    protected void checkForDuplicate(final Future<Void> failIfDuplicate, final JsonObject messageBody) {
        final String candidate = messageBody.encode();
        if (this.memoryQueue.contains(candidate)) {
            // We have a duplicate and fail the future
        } else {
            // Limit the size of the queue
            while (this.memoryQueue.size() > MAX_MEMBERS) {
