
You are here: Home:Configure

The ApplicationStarter Verticle reads the system configuration from a JSON file with the name SFDCOoptions.json in the root of your project. Additionally credentials are pulled from the environment since this is the prevalent method used on Heroku or other PaaS environments.


Copy the sampleconfig.json file as a start. The JSON file has the following main elements:

  • authConfigurations: Array with Auth providers. Important: the authName is used as reference by listners and consumer verticles
  • consumerConfigurations: a consumer listens to one internal vert.x Eventbus address and consumes what a listener produces
  • listenerConfigurations: Array with listners. You can listen to multiple different Salesforce instances and topics, you need one entry for each topic. A listener can forward incoming data to multiple addresses on the eventbus
  • parameters: parameters for the ApplicationStarter verticle config object
  • Port: the localhost port the API listens to, mainly for shutdown or web sockets, typically provided from the environment
  • proxy: Proxy IP or address (if any) - global setting
  • proxyPort: numeric proxy port (if any) - global setting
  • verticlesToLoad: other verticles you want to load

Common Parameters

  • authName: (optional) What authprovider is used, needs to exist
  • autoStart: (optional) true/false Should the verticle automatically start listening (or wait for some eventbus to wake it)
  • deployAsWorker: (optional) true/false should it run in a worker thread
  • enabled: (optional) true/false - to temp disable a verticle
  • instanceName: Unique name of a verticle entry used to retrieve configuration parameters from the environment or other config sources
  • parameters: (optional) JSON object that gets passed to verticle.config()
  • providesRouterExtension: the verticle must be Java, to add routes e.g. Websockets or incoming request (e.g. OBM)
  • proxy: Proxy IP or address (if any)
  • proxyPort: numeric proxy port (if any)
  • verticleInstanceCount: (optional) how many instances should be deployed
  • verticleName: the class or identifier to load a verticle - polyglot, any supported language

The proxy settings are provided (optional) for each verticle separately to accommodate different source/destination configurations

authConfig Parameters

  • instanceName: must be the same as authName, authName takes priority
  • serverURL: “”, “”, your known SF instance or a local mock server
  • sfdcPassword: Password (don’t put it here, put it into the environment)
  • sfdcUser: UserName - optional here if provided in environment


  • eventBusAddresses: Array of internal addresses to send to. E.g. ["SFDC.SampleEvents2", "SFDC.SampleEvents"] an implementation could treat this as prefix only
  • eventBusDedupAddress: needed when useDedupService = true, EventBus address of the deduplication service
  • listenSubject: what to listen to in SFDC e.g. “/event/DataChange__e”,
  • useDedupService: true/false (optional, default = false) - Use a deduplication service, so incoming messages


  • url: the URL of the consumer destination (REST, SOAP, Websockets)
  • in parameters:
    • websocketname : used by the websocket con

Environment parameters

Mostly for compatibility for the PaaS environments and your security:

  • port: Overwrites the listener port for the HTTP admin task
  • For each authConfig sdfcUser, sfdcPassword, consumerToken and consumerSecret prefixed by the authName

When your 2 authConfigs, one has "authName" : "default" and the other "authName" : "system36" then the following variables are pulled from the environment, overwriting values that might be in the JSON file:

  • port
  • default_sfdcUser
  • default_sfdcPassword
  • default_consumerToken
  • default_consumerSecret
  • system36_sfdcUser
  • system36_sfdcPassword
  • system36_consumerToken
  • system36_consumerSecret

As far as I tested: all is case sensitive