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Domino Development - Back to Basics - Part 7: Map Reduce Domino Style

One of the odd things about Domino is the way things are called. It is Memo instead of eMail, Replication instead of Sync, Note store/Document store instead of NoSQL etc. The simple reason is the fact, that all these capabilities predate the more common terms and there was no label for them when Notes had them. In NoSQL circles MapReduce is a hot topic. Introduced by Google, now part of Apache Hadoop it can be found in MongoDB, Apache CouchDB and others. Interestingly it seems that short of Hadoop the mapping doesn't run distributed, but on a single server.
So what about Domino? Holding up the tradition of odd naming, the equivalent of MapReduce is Categorized View where View is the Map component and Categorize is the Reduce capability. The mapping part gets accomplished using the venerable @Formula (pronounced AT-formula) language which got inspired by LISP. If you ever wondered why you had to sort out all "yellow triangles" in kindergarden (a.k.a set theory), once you get started with @Formulas, that knowledge comes in handy. You mainly apply transformations using a set of @functions to lists of values (even a single value is a list, a list with one member). While there is a Loop construct, staying with sets/lists is highly efficient.
In its simplest case a column in a view is simply the name of the Notes item in a document (which will return an empty value if no such item exists). The formulas are used in 2 places: defining the column values of the data that is returned and selecting the documents to be included in the composition of the view. The default selection is SELECT @All which lists all documents in that database regardless of form used (if any) to create them or items contained in them. This is very different from tables/views in an RDBMS where each line item has the same content. Typically Notes application designers make sure, that all documents share a common set of items, so when combined in a view something useful can be shown. Often these item names are lifted from the mail template: Subject, Categories, From, Body.
Sorting resulting values is done as a property of the column (second tab in the property box), where sorting is from left to right. In classic Domino you can find views where specific columns are listed twice: once in the position where the user wants to see them, secondly in the sequence needed to sort, but with the attribute "hide this column". In XPages this is no longer necessary, since the view control allows to position columns in a different sequence than the underlying view.
When you categorize a column, typically starting at the first column, Domino offers a set of functions for the other columns to compute reduce values:
Reduce in Domino
You can access the values using ?OpenView&CollapseAll in Domino's REST API or in code using a ViewNavigator. A categorized view always starts with a category, so you begin with a .getFirst() followed by .GetNextSibling() for one level categories or .GetNextCategory() if you have multiple levels of categories. This capability helps when you aggregate data for graphics or pivot tables or [insert your idea here]

Posted by on 13 February 2014 | Comments (3) | categories: IBM Notes XPages


  1. posted by Tommy Valand on Wednesday 05 March 2014 AD:
    If you want to have a view with only unique values/don't need all the entries, there's a setting for views that's useful.

    In advanced properties (hat with propeller) for the view , there's a setting named "Generate unique keys in index". Ignore the ODBC Access label next to it. The setting works for regular Domino operations.

    The resulting view only contains entries with unique values. This kind of view is not meant to be used to fetch documents, as it's random which entry is connected to which document. It's only useful for fetching column values from entries.

    It's great if you want to collect unique values from a lot of entries/keep the index small/have performant lookups.

    Example use case: @DbColumn to fetch unique field values.
  2. posted by Tommy Valand on Wednesday 05 March 2014 AD:
    ..collect unique field values from a lot of documents..
  3. posted by charles ross on Thursday 22 May 2014 AD:
    Yes- more on MapReduce please. Given that filter, map and reduce have been added to JavaScript, and IBM has bought Cloudant, I am looking forward to more explication of this topic! When learning about map/reduce, the notion of a Notes categorized View immediately popped into my head....

    I really think it would be great if a migration path between document databases like Mongo and Couch and Domino could be promoted by IBM and partners. If we could bridge the jargon gap, maybe Domino database (free of mail/calendar/etc... baggage) could be broken out and promoted as the noSQL backend that it in fact is. People are working hard on developing analytic apps for noSQL stores and a lot of this work should be applicable to NSF stores.