GIT deploy your static sites - Part 1
When you, in principal, like the idea to serve SPA from the http server, you will encounter the pressing question: where do babies come from how to get your application deployed onto the http server? This applies to nodeJS applications too, but that is part of another story for another time.
On Bluemix that's easy: just use a Pipeline.
For mere mortal environments there are several options:
You need to adjust the path variables to your environment. Next stop: Create the nginx site with SSL.
As usual: YMMV
On Bluemix that's easy: just use a Pipeline.
For mere mortal environments there are several options:
- Just FTP them - insecure unless you use sftp/scp. Big pain here: deleting obsolete files
- Setup rsync. When done with a ssh certificate can be reasonably automated. Same pain applies: deleting obsolete files
- Use a GIT based deployment. This is what I will discuss further
- The repositories would sit on the web server
- Typically a repository would sit in
inside the site directory. While you could protect that with access control, I decided I don't want to have it in separate directories - When pushing to the
branch, the site should get updated, not on any other branch. You can extend my approach to push other branches to other sites - so you get a test/demo/staging capability - Setting up a new site should be fast and reliable (including https - but that's part 2)
. Hooks, in a nutshell are shell scripts that are triggered by events that happen to a git environment. I got inspired by this entry but wanted to automate the setup.So I devised the following shell script:
# !/bin/bash
# Script to establish a git driven static site
# Check if we have a parameter. We expect the base URL only
if [ -z ${SITENAME+x} ]; then
echo "You need to provide a site name:";
echo "Site to be created '$SITENAME' with alias 'www.$SITENAME'";
# Create the web root directory and .wellknown for letsencrypt
mkdir -p $WEBROOT/$SITENAME/.wellknown
echo "Site root for $SITENAME
" > $WEBROOT/$SITENAME/index.html
# Create the repository and add the index file
git init --bare $GITROOT/$SITENAME
git -C $WEBROOT/$SITENAME --git-dir=$GITROOT/$SITENAME --work-tree=$WEBROOT/$SITENAME add --all
git -C $WEBROOT/$SITENAME --git-dir=$GITROOT/$SITENAME --work-tree=$WEBROOT/$SITENAME commit -m "automatic creation of ${SITENAME}"
# Create the commit hook
echo "#!/bin/bash" > $HOOKNAME
echo "if [ \`git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD\` == 'master' ]; then" >> $HOOKNAME
echo " git --work-tree=$WEBROOT/$SITENAME clean -fd" >> $HOOKNAME
echo " git --work-tree=$WEBROOT/$SITENAME checkout --force" >> $HOOKNAME
echo "fi" >> $HOOKNAME
chmod +x $HOOKNAME
echo Done creation of $SITENAME
You need to adjust the path variables to your environment. Next stop: Create the nginx site with SSL.
As usual: YMMV
Posted by Stephan H Wissel on 12 January 2017 | Comments (0) | categories: nginx WebDevelopment