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From LotusScript to ServerSide JavaScript - what do you want to see?

I'm polishing my AD103 "Don't Be Afraid of Curly Brackets: JavaScript for IBM LotusScript Developers" presentation. It's packed with information to get you started. Given the fact that a session has limited time I need to narrow down the live code examples I will show. The all over topic is " This is what you are used to in LotusScript, this is how you do that in SSJS" (On a conceptual level where 1:1 is a misfit).
So I wonder what examples would benefit you most? What would you like to see? Keep in mind the focus is on the language, less on the objects (we have a lot of XPages sessions in 2011).

Posted by on 27 December 2010 | Comments (8) | categories: Lotusphere


  1. posted by Karl-Henry Martinsson on Tuesday 28 December 2010 AD:
    I did not realize that it was a SSJS session, I thought it was the same kind of session I been to in the past, where it was about legacy (classic) Javascript for the client...
    Now I may have to rethink my schedule, this sounds interesting.
    I think the most interesting would be string handling, arrays, etc.
  2. posted by Nathan T. Freeman on Tuesday 28 December 2010 AD:
    1) Looping structures, especially the equivalent of Forall

    2) == vs. ===

    3) OOP in SSJS

    4) Practical uses of the eval() statement
  3. posted by Richard Moy on Tuesday 28 December 2010 AD:
    Accessing SJSS outside the context of XPages.
  4. posted by Stephan H. Wissel on Tuesday 28 December 2010 AD:
    @All: Thx for the feedback. I appreciate it!

    @Nathan: It is an introduction/beginners session. What could you possibly learn there? But of course you are most welcome to drop by. And yes "===" is most puzzling. If I find a practical use for eval() I let you know!

    @Karl-Henry: Most code examples will aim at SSJS. There are many other sessions covering client side.

    @Richard: Domino's SSJS engine runs with XPages only (for the time being). One would expect agents to be writable in SSJS, but I'm not aware if or where that's on the roadmap. Of course you could use Rhino which is included in Java6 (somewhere I saw a claim that Mozilla's version is twice as fast as what is packed into the JRE). I probably will use Rhino for some of the examples since you can call it from the command line.
    Emoticon biggrin.gif stw
  5. posted by Tim Tripcony on Wednesday 29 December 2010 AD:
    I'd love it if you could mention (even briefly) how much of the language is applicable to other platforms, such as in Node.js... a couple of us have been beating the drum that investing the time and effort to learn XPages positions a developer to be in tune with the direction of development platforms outside of the Yellowsphere: those who do so aren't simply embracing the new direction of Domino; they're finally catching up to what everybody else has already been doing for years.
  6. posted by Dan Sickles on Wednesday 29 December 2010 AD:
    Tell them about CommonJS and how it makes Javascript a more general purpose language.

    Node.js is crack! It's like Twisted but easier.
  7. posted by Brian Benz on Thursday 30 December 2010 AD:
    SSJS Beginners struggle most with reusability - passing objects/values to and getting values back out of SSJS. Best practices for XCs and SSJS that can be plugged into Xpages with minimal code needed on the XPage would be great examples.
  8. posted by Richard Moy on Saturday 08 January 2011 AD:
    @4 @5 @6,

    I am looking seriously into node.js at this point. It is fast.