Peek-a-boo into the XPages classes
XPages and server side JavaScript come quite some classes (and I'm not counting the Java classes you could use). We have:
- Class Library: DOM
- DOMAttr
- DOMCharacterData
- DOMComment
- DOMDocument
- DOMDocumentFragment
- DOMDocumentType
- DOMElement
- DOMEntity
- DOMEntityReference
- DOMException
- DOMImplementation
- DOMNamedNodeMap
- DOMNode
- DOMNodeList
- DOMNotation
- DOMProcessingInstruction
- DOMText
- DOMUtil
- NamespaceContext
- NamespaceContextImpl
- Class Library: Domino
- DirectoryNavigator
- NotesACL
- NotesACLEntry
- NotesAdministrationProcess
- NotesAgent
- NotesAgentContext
- NotesBase (recycle() is defined here)
- NotesColorObject
- NotesDatabase
- NotesDateRange
- NotesDateTime
- NotesDbDirectory
- NotesDirectory
- NotesDocument
- NotesDocumentCollection
- NotesDxlExporter
- NotesDxlImporter
- NotesEmbeddedObject
- NotesError
- NotesException
- NotesFactory
- NotesForm
- NotesInternational
- NotesItem
- NotesLog
- NotesMIMEEntity
- NotesMIMEHeader
- NotesName
- NotesNewsletter
- NotesNoteCollection
- NotesOutline
- NotesOutlineEntry
- NotesProperty (used in Mashups and composite apps)
- NotesPropertyBroker
- NotesRegistration
- NotesReplication
- NotesReplicationEntry
- NotesRichTextDoclink
- NotesRichTextItem
- NotesRichTextNavigator
- NotesRichTextParagraphStyle
- NotesRichTextRange
- NotesRichTextSection
- NotesRichTextStyle
- NotesRichTextTab
- NotesRichTextTable
- NotesSession
- NotesStream
- NotesView
- NotesViewColumn
- NotesViewEntry
- NotesViewEntryCollection
- NotesViewNavigator
- NotesXSLTResultTarget
- Class Library: Runtime
- I18n
- Locale
- TimeZone
- Class Library: Standard
- Array
- Boolean
- Date
- Function
- Math
- Number
- Object
- RegExp
- String
- Class Library: XSP
- DirectoryUser
- NotesXspDocument
- NotesXspViewEntry
- XSPContext
- XSPUrl
- XSPUserAgent
- Function library: @Functions (with many functions- for the next time)
- Function library: XSP Functions (with many functions- for the next time)
Posted by Stephan H Wissel on 25 January 2010 | Comments (2) | categories: XPages