XPages workshop in Kuala Lumpur and Manila
Last week I conducted our famous XPages workshop in Kuala Lumpur and this week in Manila. I found a high number of encouraging pointers:
- participants generally love XPages
- In both classes more than half of the participants had no or less than 2 years experience with Lotus Notes and did quite well
- One customer shared: "We haven't developed new Domino applications for a few years now, but with XPages we will resume creating new applications for the Lotus Domino server"
- Developers with exposure to web development snap XPages up easily, old Notes hands need to unlearn a few things first
- The repeat control is everybody's favourite measured by the time they spend with that exercise
(repeat after me: with great powers comes great responsibility)
Posted by Stephan H Wissel on 27 March 2009 | Comments (2) | categories: XPages