Reinstalling Windows stuff
From time to time it is healthy to reinstall Windows XP. At IBM I have the luxury to use the cloning center or the cloning CD. Boot it, log in and off you go. It installs Windows including the standard IBM applications like VPN, Lotus Notes and some standard internal stuff (It used to install MS Office, but no longer in the 2008 built). So far so good. But we all know that there is an army of little helpers and tweaks that make it your copy of Windows.
To ease my pain installing all of them I keep a directory reinstall on an external medium (DVD, Memory Stick, Harddisk, NAS, make your pick) where I keep all the install files and extra stuff. To automate the process I use two cmd files:
All regular installers sit in the root of the install directory. There are a few mandatory sub directories. I have phase2 for installers that depend on software I install in the first round. Techsmith is the directory for the Techsmith SnagIt (highly recommended) tool and AuxiliaryFiles keeps miscelanous stuff. When a new version of an application comes out or I install a new tool, I just add the installer to this directory and in the next full makeover I won't forget it. Let's have a look at the cmd files.
installthis.cmd: it prompts for every file to be installed. If you find that unneccecary, you can alter the file easily.
To ease my pain installing all of them I keep a directory reinstall on an external medium (DVD, Memory Stick, Harddisk, NAS, make your pick) where I keep all the install files and extra stuff. To automate the process I use two cmd files:
All regular installers sit in the root of the install directory. There are a few mandatory sub directories. I have phase2 for installers that depend on software I install in the first round. Techsmith is the directory for the Techsmith SnagIt (highly recommended) tool and AuxiliaryFiles keeps miscelanous stuff. When a new version of an application comes out or I install a new tool, I just add the installer to this directory and in the next full makeover I won't forget it. Let's have a look at the cmd files.
@echo off cls echo. echo. echo. This will reinstall all extra software on a newly echo. (re)installed Thinkpad. The source directory needs echo. to be maintained properly echo. echo. start notepad keys.txt REM ---- All exe and msi files for %%x in (*.exe*.msi) do call installthis.cmd %%x REM Rational Installer (sits in its own directory) :rational SET continue=y echo. echo. echo. Install Rational Install Manager ? echo. echo. SET /P continue=Install? [%continue%] if not x%continue%x==xyx GOTO putty echo. echo. echo. Rational Install Manager CD Rational install.exe CD .. REM Putty (Just copy no installer) :putty SET continue=y echo. echo. echo. Install Putty ? echo. echo. SET /P continue=Install? [%continue%] if not x%continue%x==xyx GOTO fonts echo. echo. echo. Installing Putty MD "%ProgramFiles%\Putty" COPY AuxiliaryFiles\PUtty.exe "%ProgramFiles%\Putty\Putty.exe" REM ---- Fonts :fonts SET continue=y echo. echo. echo. Install Extra fonts? echo. echo. SET /P continue=Install? [%continue%] if not x%continue%x==xyx GOTO snag echo. echo. echo. Installing fonts cd fonts for %%x in (*.*) do if not exist "%windir%\FONTS\%%x" copy "%%x" %windir%\FONTS cd .. REM ---- Snagit Files :snag SET continue=y echo. echo. echo. Install Snagit stamps echo. echo. SET /P continue=Install? [%continue%] if not x%continue%x==xyx GOTO misc echo. echo. echo. Installing Snagit stamps FOR %%x in (Techsmith\*.exe) do %%x /s FOR %%x in (Techsmith\*.msi) do %%x FOR %%x in (Techsmith\*.snagacc) do %%x REM ---- Miscellanious Files :misc SET continue=y echo. echo. echo. Install Miscellanious Files echo. echo. SET /P continue=Install? [%continue%] if not x%continue%x==xyx GOTO phase2 echo. echo. echo. Installing Miscellanious Files rem Signature copy AuxiliaryFiles\notessign.html c:\ copy AuxiliaryFiles\*.cmd "c:\Utilities\*.cmd" rem More of the miscelaneous stuff here if needed REM ---- Stuff for the second phase. Programs that depend on other programs to be available :phase2 for %%x in (phase2\*.*) do call installthis.cmd %%x REM ---- Firefox Plug-ins :firefox SET continue=y echo. echo. echo. Install Firefox Plug-ins? echo. echo. SET /P continue=Install? [%continue%] if not x%continue%x==xyx GOTO end echo. echo. echo. Installing Firefox plugins plugins.html :end echo. echo. echo. So far so good, setting and stuff next! echo. echo.
installthis.cmd: it prompts for every file to be installed. If you find that unneccecary, you can alter the file easily.
@echo off SET continue=y echo. echo. echo. Install %1 ? echo. echo. SET /P continue=Install? [%continue%] if not x%continue%x==xyx GOTO notthis echo. echo. echo. Installing %1 "%1" :notthis
Posted by Stephan H Wissel on 14 July 2008 | Comments (0) | categories: Technology