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Tech University Jakarta - Project Worst Practices

On Nov 06 2007 I'm speaking @ Tech University in Jakarta. My topic is "Project Worst Practices". This is not a competition to Bill's famous topic but a stab against lousy project management. My collection of despicable practices and beliefs is summarized in a Mindmap:
Project worst practices
Click on the image for the full size graphic.

Posted by on 05 November 2007 | Comments (1) | categories: Software


  1. posted by Yohan Yudanara on Wednesday 07 November 2007 AD:
    Hi Mr. Wissel,
    I'm attending your speech yesterday on Indonesia Software Developer Day in Session 1 about social software. I'm also asking u a question about "how to encourage worker to start sharing information on company blogs".
    Thank u very much for the answers.

    Unfortunately, I'm not attending your speech about project worst practices. Could u give me more explanation for "worst practice mindmap diagram" shown above?
    maybe just one or two sentence for each point.

    Thank u very much,