Usability - Productivity - Business - The web - Singapore & Twins
Usability - Productivity - Business - The web - Singapore & Twins
Part of the brute force view tuning
A burn chart implementation in Dojo
Source and Binary code for Java based tools to calculate Notes metrics
You need to replace the user name and password with what you have on your Lotusphere batch.
Sample Stylesheet to transform a NotesView into a xPage
Sample code to scan a database for design artifacts
Shows example code for efficient handling of multi category read access protected documents
Helper File to get all class names that are used in Domino 8.5 OneUI theme
Class that simulateses large reader fields by dynamically creating groups for them
XSLT Stylesheets for the ATOM content emitted by Lotus Connections 2.5. One style creates a table with custom fields as columns. Presumes all custom fields are the same (useful for surveys etc.). The other one lists all attachments in an activity including size and download link
Server side API
OneUI V2 CSS files - no style definition
Dependencies on:
Compares documents in databases that are related (e.g. replicas, backups, create with "new copy") and finds additions, deletions and alterations
Java Class for XML
Tools to make your XSLT Day easier. Including extraction of media from a feed
Classes to run imports: package com.notessensei.mimeimport; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.util.Stack; import lotus.domino.Document; import lotus.domino.MIMEEntity; import lotus.domino.NotesException; import lotus.domino.Session; import lotus.domino.Stream; import org.apache.james.mime4j.MimeException; import org.apache.james.mime4j.parser.AbstractContentHandler; import org.apache.james.mime4j.parser.ContentHandler; import org.apache.james.mime4j.stream.BodyDescriptor; import org.apache.james.mime4j.stream.Field; public class DocContentHandler extends AbstractContentHandler implements ContentHandler { public static final String TEXTMIMETYPE = "text/plain"; public static final String HTMLMIMETYPE = "text/html"; public static final String RTFIELDNAME = "Body"; Document doc = null; Session s = null; boolean mimeStatus = true; Stack<MimePartInfo> mimeParts = new Stack<MimePartInfo>(); public DocContentHandler(Session s, Document newDoc) { this.doc = newDoc; this.s = s; } @Override public void body(BodyDescriptor bd, InputStream is) throws MimeException, IOException { String mtype = this.mimeParts.peek().getContentType(); System.out.println(" Mime-Part: " + mtype); this.createBody(bd, is); } private void createBody(BodyDescriptor bd, InputStream is) { try { Stream notesIn = s.createStream(); notesIn.setContents(is); notesIn.setPosition(0); MimePartInfo p = this.mimeParts.peek(); MIMEEntity m = p.getMimepart(); m.setContentFromBytes(notesIn, p.getContentType(), m.getEncoding()); } catch (NotesException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } @Override public void endBodyPart() throws MimeException { this.mimeParts.pop(); } @Override public void endMessage() throws MimeException { try { doc.save(); s.setConvertMime(this.mimeStatus); System.out.println(" -- Import complete"); } catch (NotesException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } @Override public void field(Field rawField) throws MimeException { this.mimeParts.peek().createHeader(rawField.getName(), rawField.getBody()); } @Override public void startBodyPart() throws MimeException { this.mimeParts.peek().createChildEntity(mimeParts); } @Override public void startMessage() throws MimeException { try { this.mimeStatus = s.isConvertMime(); s.setConvertMime(false); MIMEEntity body = doc.createMIMEEntity(DocContentHandler.RTFIELDNAME); this.mimeParts.push(new MimePartInfo(body)); // First element on the stack } catch (NotesException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
Source code - use on your own risk
OpenNTF LDAP Compatibility Directory Extensions The OpenNTF LDAP Compatibility Directory Extensions can be added to your Domino Directory to improve overall support for LDAP compatibility from Domino servers. There are 3 principle objectives for these extensions: 1) Provide a profile-driven mechanism to set an overall BaseDN on your LDAP directory. 2) Provide for hierarchical distinguished group names without interfering with existing Domino ACLs. 3) Prevent invalid entries from appearing in LDAP queries which break standard tools like Apache Directory Services for Eclipse. Secondary objectives include: Compatibility with PAM account management for Linux systems. Creation of Organization and OrganizationalUnit records automatically when needed. Graceful fallback when configuration erroneous or incomplete. There are 4 views, 4 subforms and 1 form included with this template. Of the 4 views, one is entirely new and is used for UIDNumber assignment, while the other 3 replace the existing ($LDAPCN), ($LDAPHier) and ($LDAPRDNHier) views. Of the 4 subforms, two are new, providing the PAM and DN extensions for Groups and Person records, while two demostrate implementation of those extensions in the standard Extensibility schema provided by the Domino Directory. The form replaced the standard DirectoryProfile form, and adds a tab for LDAP where you can set the BaseDN and an optional DN for entries with potentially invalid characters ($, *, ~, #, etc) Many thanks to Andre Guirard for his excellent documentation on User Customizable view columns, though he will discover that this template proves one statement in his post wrong. And also to Alan Bell for his equally excellent document on using Domino LDAP for authentication on Posix systems.
CRX File to wissel.net
Source code for the migration tool demo gMail to IBM Notes
Run this tool against your OnDisk Project for a CoCoMo Analysis
LotusScript for embedded experiences eMails
Agent code to create a batch file to extract all buddy lists using the Sametime tool provided by Epilio and some Java code to concatenate them and run a report. Sample report included.